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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some things in life cannot be expressed in words nor in actions. Hmmm..When you think of this, you can imagine hitting your head on a wall which you never expected. That's when your mind starts reeving up. And then BLING!!!

You start thinking of doing something new.
But now you start thinking, Hmm ....What should i Think about thinking of doing something new?

Well, why not I take some photographs!!! ( Woohoo-- this can strike a mind which has an IQ of say > 120 .... [:)] ...Others would have thought, Watching cartoons would be something creative ...yeahhh)

Huh!! That's not the case over here...

Photography is something that is what you see around. It is something the way you feel your surroundings. It is something the way you see it. I am sure not everybody see's the way i see things. It is quite common with most of them (99% humans) as well. Some nuts see things which are not to be seen or See things which are not there...That's absolutely GOING NUTS!!!!

Therefore, When i said " Somethings in life cannot be expressed in Words or Actions... ", Photography is the best way to express the one's which were impossible to explain in words.

But here's a catch, Why not mix up everything i.e Words, Action, Photography.....
Nothing can be as powerful as a combination of these three things... I bet, and that's what i am set for with this Blog of mine named "VABINOMICS" .... Which merely means " My Philosophies of Economics of LIFE" or "Philosophies of Lesser God - Vrandesh"

“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.”

What Say!!!!!

1 comment:

whimsical neurons said...

wat do u mean by economics of life?