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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Oh what a Hopeless Life it has been...!!!

This is exactly what any engineer would say warming his chair in a building totally devastating the environment by producing ozone pro gases and not to mention , the same air that we breathe in and out for around 8 hours in our cubicle, just to make sure that we are not living healthy for few bucks that we earn.

Let alone other factors and emotions, This one statement proves, once stated by any individual, means that we are not doing justice to our life and that we ought to seek more life outside.

We have chosen this mode and living and evidently this has been a disastrous journey ever since.

Its better Late, than Never. Yes, it is absolutely better to be late than to have never ended up doing anything.

I always wondered, what if we didn't have to travel to work, What if we didn't have to work and still make some money (interesting isn't it!!!).

All these thoughts not just provide an insight into one's mind, but they also show just how vulnerable we all are, when it comes to daily chores of life.


If you have just read the article above, it has no beginning and no end and that exactly how life is everyday. Unless we start planning our everyday life, we will be in a continous loop and it is never going to end.

So Everyday, make sure you say this Statement, which will in turn help you realize that you are not alone, and start kicking the daily chores of your life with full energy and enthusiasm.

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